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Loro Trader

Strategien – Loro Scanner – Schulungen – Signal Service..

Loro Scanner Webinar – Start at 9. January

Loro Scanner

The next Loro Scanner Webinar will start at 9. January 2020 in the German language by The webinar will be recorded and includes the software.

1. Scan Criteria

Certainly, with the Loro Scanner you can now scan your stocks and ETFs according to various criteria:

  • fundamental data
  • technical data
  • rotation setups
  • swing setups
  • trend setups
  • liquid options
  • earnings data
  • volatilities.
2. Criteria Combination

Most importantly, you can combine several criteria. To clarify, you have numerous possibilities with the Loro Scanner. For example:

  • find all stocks with liquid options swing or trend setups
  • search for all dividend stocks with swing or trend setups
  • show the volatility situation for all stocks
  • show the current risk for all stocks with pronounced trends
  • find all low beta stocks with strong trends
  • combine rotation models with swing trading and trend following.
3. Application Section

In the application section of the Loro Scanner webinar, we will then show you concrete examples of options trades. Further, you get a complete stock model with associated market models, money management and hedging. In the same vein, the speaker himself uses these very successfully in practice. More Information you find here.

4. You get:
  • 4 live webinars (later permanently available as recordings)
  • extensive training documents
  • if you are a new customer – a bonus for you: 1-month free access to the Live Options Room (value 99 euros)
  • of course the Loro Scanner software including updates and support on Windows computers
  • the interfaces for downloading fundamental, technical, earnings and options data are already available in the software
  • for more information and registration follow this link.
5. System Requirements:

It is a Java application. You receive technical support from us only on Windows computers. Therefore, please note that there is no support for other operating systems.

6. on youtube you can watch our promotion video: