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Market Models Review – When to Trade – Part 3

Today 9 of 10 Market Models are negative. We are in a bear market. In this post, you see how the Market Models avoid the corona correction.

Let´s see how our Market Models reacted in the corona correction. Only 6 of 10 Models were positive in our weekend Market Models Review from 22. February 2020. We wrote next week it could be critical.

On Monday, 24. February, the International Stock Index Indicator changed to red, and we send a warning to our subscribers. Additionally, we recommended hedging against a falling stock market.

Market Model Review

On Tuesday, 25. February, the NYSE – Advance-Decline Issues Index dropped in the opening of the market below his 50 moving average. So we send again to our clients that we are now in a bear market.

AD Line

So with our Market Models, you avoided most of the corona correction!

You can test our weekly Market Models Review. Please click here.