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Loro Trader

Strategien – Loro Scanner – Schulungen – Signal Service..

Market Models Review – When to Trade – Part 5

In this post, we show our revised Market Models including our new Loro Stock Market Barometer, and how the model has worked in the past.


Our market models have been revised in such a way that a percentage between zero and 100 (best) is now displayed for each model:

Market Models Revisted

We then present the average of these 10 percentage values in the form of a stock market barometer:

Loro Stocks Barometer

If you only go long in SPY, for example, when the barometer shows a value greater than 50%, you have made an average of 14.43% per year since 2003 and at the same time avoided the largest drawdowns.

More backtests can be found on my youtube channel (Section: Loro Marktmodelle).

The signals from the market models can be subscribed to or tested for a month: