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Loro Trader

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New Tax-Law 2020 in Germany – Bad News for Trader

Trading in Germany has never been attractive from a tax point of view, but now the situation has worsened.

What happened? In new tax law 2020 in Germany – the Income Tax Act, Section 20 Paragraph 6 – was changed. The so-called Verlustverrechnung was limited to EUR 10,000 annually.

You can find detailed information about this in the following videos (German language):

The tax law in Germany is very complicated and, in my view, socially unfair. In addition, there is no future planning security. Some of the laws even come into force backdated.

There is a slight chance that the new tax law 2020 in Germany will be corrected. For a German trader, in my opinion, the future doesn’t look great. People in this country didn’t have a stock culture. Additional government-funded products for retirement benefits are really bad.

One solution has already been mentioned in the videos: emigration. Of course, for everyone, this is not an option. But if you live from your trading, this is clearly an alternative. Of course, you should consider this. The author himself went this route. He lives now happily in the Dominican Republic.

Additional the living costs in the Dominican Republic are generally favorable. Rents, health insurance, and petrol are significantly cheaper than in Germany. For example, you can get for $ 200  a good rental apartment with 3 rooms, including electricity and water. Of course, you don’t need heating. Health insurance for a family of 4 costs about $ 150 a month. The price of gasoline in Germany is currently $ 1,544 and in the Dominican Republic $ 1,166 per liter (Source

Of course, there are enough other countries that are also suitable for emigration. You can find good information on the following websites: